Fundraising for Samuel

This year we will be organising some fundraising events and activities to raise money for Samuel.

We hope to fundraise for equipment and toys to make Samuel’s world more fun and comfortable.
Samuel has a rare genetic condition which causes severe epilepsy and global development delay – this means that although he is over two years old, his development is extremely limited. Samuel is not able to hold his head up himself and has no independent movement of his arms or legs. He requires full postural support in lying, sitting and standing and is fully reliant on us to move and position him which is becoming more challenging as Samuel grows and gets heavier.

All the toys and equipment needed to help him are expensive and we are hoping that through fundraising we will be able to raise money to pay for things to make his world fun and comfortable.

If you would like to help us fundraise for Samuel, you can make a payment via paypal to

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